
Showing posts from August, 2020

Week 2 - History, Politics, Economics

PART 1:  Conquest and Colonization in Latin America, 1500-1800 Associated Readings Eduardo Galeano, selections from Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, pp. 175-199 (1971) Harry Sanabria, "Conquest, colonialism, and resistance," The Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean, pp. 76-109 (2007) For the first half of this week's blog, please watch the following 45-minute online lecture. Online lecture PART 2:  The Rise of Neoliberalism Associated Readings   Tom Chodor, “The Neoliberal World Order,” pp. 45-64 Introduction Our goal in the paragraphs that follow is to get familiar with the political-economic paradigm known as “neoliberalism.” As I will show, neoliberal globalization is the dominant form of globalization in today’s world. In contemporary South America, neoliberalism is both extremely influential and extremely contested . As such, it is imperative that we come to an understandi