Week 5 - Peru

PART 1. Introduction to Peru
Associated Readings

Peter Winn, “Peru’s Shining Path,” pp. 564-572
Cynthia McClintock, “Precarious Democracy and Dependent Development in a Divided Nation,” pp. 429-442

NOTE: For the next couple of weeks, I will rely more heavily than usual on PowerPoint slides to introduce you to recent history and key themes. When we get to Colombia, I will return to a more narrative-heavy format on this blog.

I. Introduction to Peru + The Shining Path and Its Legacies
After reading texts by Winn and McClintock, please work your way through the two sets of Peru slides I have posted on Blackboard in "Course Documents" content area. For an update on remnants of the Shining Path in contemporary Peru, watch this 20-minute Al Jazeera account.

PART 2. Heritage Tourism and Profiting Off Indigenous Pasts
Associated Readings

Herrera, Alexander. 2013. “Heritage Tourism, Identity and Development in Peru.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 17 (2): 275–95
Silverman, Helaine. 2002. “Touring Ancient Times: The Present and Presented Past in Contemporary Peru.” American Anthropologist 104 (3): 881–902

First, please watch this 11-minute clip, which introduces you to the anthropology of tourism, one of the most vibrant and fascinating sub-fields in contemporary anthropological scholarship. (Note: If you enjoy this, consider taking Prof. Meeker's "Anthropology of Tourism" class.)

Next, as you are making your way through the Herrera and Silverman readings, please watch this online lecture from our guest presenter, Prof. Jessica Smeeks (the main event for this week's second segment). Prof. Smeeks has provide the abstract below to help orient you to her research.


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